Tuesday 13 December 2016

How to Play Darbuka (Arabic Percussion)

Darbuka is an Arabic percussion instrument and popular in the Persian and Turkey. The skin is made from fish or goat skin. The simple way to learn how to play darbuka is by understanding to basic sound which called “dum” and “tak”. To produce the dum sound, simply using your palm and use the thumb as the guide on the edge of the darbuka.
When hitting the drum, make sure to lift your palm so that the dum sound can create more vibration and not immediately dampen. Otherwise, it will create a staccato slap sound and lose the originality of the instrument sound itself unless the song required the slap part. The “tak” sound comes from the ring finger from other hand that holds the darbuka. Rest your hand on the body, make sure you only lift your wrist and hit the edge of the skin to produce tak sound. If the sound need to be louder, lift your elbow part instead. This video will teach you how to play baladi rhythm on darbuka.

How to Play Bonang (Indonesia Percussion Instrument)

Bonang is a set of percussion instrument that consists small gongs that looked like bowls or pot, made from copper or bronze. It is an instrument that comes from an ensemble of percussion called Gamelan, originally form Indonesia. Those gongs are placed horizontally onto strings in a wooden frame in two rows. Player that want to play bonang should have a capability of playing it soft like playing a marimba.
If you have a basic drum skill, you can play bonang well. Bonang is usually played with paradiddle. With using its own mallet, hit the tip of the gong softly depends on the music requirement. You must sit down on the ground or else, you would not be comfortable to play it. This is the video example of a man playing a bonang.

How to Play Rebana (Malaysian Frame Drum)

Rebana is a Malaysia percussion instrument that being played in an ensemble only for one particular performing art called “Dikir Barat”. The performance itself is performed by sitting on the ground and it goes the same for the rebana player. When a player sit, his or her right knee must be placed in the rebana shell to make an open and closed head.
By slapping on the skin with closed finger and the right knee is off the inside head, the method will produce an open tone. Otherwise, when right knee is on the inside head of rebana can dampen the sound and creates a closed stroke. Right hand is the dominant hand for slapping the instrument while left hand is just for finger hit on ghost notes. This video will show you the full lesson of how to play rebana.

How to Play Conga

Conga is a famous percussion instrument that most bands have one. They always join alongside with drummer and rhythm section. As famous as it is, it requires some techniques as well. The popular technique of playing conga is nonetheless but slap. Slap down on the drum in the center with your palm, or tap the outside edges with your fingertips. You'll develop an ear for pitch and different sounds as you progress. There are 5 simple strokes for playing congas. Using 4 fingers near the rim of the drum, you can create a clear, melodic sound.
If you strike the same 4 fingers against the drum and hold them, you create a slightly muffled sound. Bass tones are slightly different in that you use your full palm while beating the drum. Striking in this way can produce a low, soft sound. Alter your beats with finger taps to produce rhythm. Slapping the drum creates a loud, snapping sound. Slapping is one of the hardest strokes to master, as you must cup your hand a specific way in order to create the right sound. Slapping can involve your fingers as well as the heel of your hand, and you can alternate fingers and heel to create a fast beat. This video will show you a Tumbao Latin music rhythms.