Tuesday, 13 December 2016

How to Play Tubular Chime

Chime is a percussion musical instrument which look as metal tube that are suspended on a rack. It is usually played in a big symphony or wind orchestra and in music piece that involve a bell sound alike. If you never listened to the sound of chimes, try imagine the sound of the bell at the church. Just like vibraphone, it comes with dampen pedal. When you press the pedal, the sound of the pipe will sustain and once it is released, the sound will not sustain but produces a staccato sound. Other than releasing the pedal to dampen the sound of the chime, you may also use the other hand to dampen any particular note so that the previous note does not interfere with the next one.
In order to play the instrument, you need a good chime hammer with a great weight, made out of plastic. The hammer needs to have two sides with an uncovered, plastic side and one side with felt for a soft timber option. The plastic side can produce an articulate sound on the chime and the side that covered with felt can produce a softer, warmer sound. If the song requires two hands, make sure to use both hammer with the same type and same weight. To give you more tips on how to play chime, you may watch this video.

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